Learning by Osmosis!

Have you ever wondered how animals and birds learn ? How do they do what they do ? How does the little cow know which grass to eat and how to graze .. if follows around the mother cow and just “picks up” on those things. The little calf “learns by osmosis”. It does not need to be taught any other way. It picks up everything that it needs to know by just being around the mother cow. Although we as humans learn a lot by doing ,by reading and by actual schooling – true life lessons are best learned through osmosis.

You are surrounded by the decision makers of tomorrow Adib – the kids that you have as schoolmates will be the politicians, businessmen, doctors, entertainers, sportsmen, lawmakers, philanthropists – the future movers and shakers. Be aware of the wonderful opportunity that is all around you – the students and teachers and the faculty around you – they are exceptional. You have the perfect atmosphere for Osmosis! If you keep your eyes and ears open you will find people that you admire. And when you do, sit back and observe. What is it that makes them special ,likeable, what gives them the drive, the intelligence, the focus – or whatever quality that attracted them to you. How do they do things ? How do they speak, how do they work, spend their days … observe and if anything appeals to you – copy and make it yours. The funny thing is that you don’t even have to do it intentionally- it just happens by Osmosis ! You just need to surround yourself with the right folks,and the qualities you admire will rub off on you.

It is said that you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Find good mentors – they will inspire you. Find good friends, those with dreams, desire and ambition – they will push you and help you realize your own. Surround yourself Adib with people who challenge you, who make you laugh, who make you better, who make you happy. You have the heart of a lion my son; boldly walk with giants. Lots of love ! 💕