The time is NOW!

What matters the most Adib is now. Now and what you do now is what matters. Not the big game or the finals or the big test or the big event that is coming next weekend .. what matters the most now is now.

As you embark on your wondrous journey of high school and college Adib, know that the only time that you really have is now. Your happiness at the end of the day today as you go to bed will be solely because of your actions now and today; so do right and do it now. That which is uncomfortable do it now ; whatever opens up your mind do it now; whatever is a source of pure joy do it now.  Spend time to learn more – about anything from anyone who knows more about it than you – and do it now. Spend time with yourself  and be aware of your thoughts. Be and become the you that you want to be – but start now.

The annual visit to the dentist is not what keeps your teeth from falling out – it is the 2 mins in the morning and 2 mins at night that you take to brush your teeth. The daily exercise of 15 mins is what will build muscle, not the 100 reps once a month when inspiration hits you. The seemingly insignificant actions of today will compound for you in the long run. Spend 15 -30 mins on algebra everyday even when you don’t have an assignment due; it will sharpen your mind and one day you will realize with surprise that you have become a super smart dude. Fatigue of the mind is even more difficult to handle than fatigue of the body. But you can build up your brain muscle and overcome it – exercise it regularly for a sharp, focused and brilliant mind – and start now. Same goes for courage – do small acts of courage everyday. Being brave and doing the right things is not easy , but it gets easier if you start doing the small uncomfortable courageous deeds daily – so start now.

The time is now for me too ; the time to be your mom and send you the life lessons that I know – some you may “get” and some you may not. I may say it better tomorrow after I edit and re read and re edit ; but the time is now. Tomorrow I may be wiser and you may be more patient ; but the time is now. The time is now – for me to write and you to read ( and act!). If not for anything else , for the pure joy of falling to bed at the end of the day fulfilled, happy and exhausted.

Lead your life my son , do not sleepwalk through it. Life is very forgiving and you get a fresh start every day ; to wipe your slate clean and start over. Live your days intentionally, live your days fully , live with abandon and live with courage Adib. The time is now.